Legislative Working Group

Goal -To review, consider, and assess legislative issues, current position statements and other regulatory activities that may impact veterinary medicine in Indiana.

Responsibilities – IVMA members who wish to volunteer for a task force or working group should possess the following qualities:

  • Maintain an interest in that subject.
  • Have a willingness to attend meetings.
  • Respect differing opinions.
  • Possess good communication skills.

Have the ability to:

  • Work well with others in a team setting.
  • Participate in discussions and decision making.
  • Abide by the majority decision.

Essential duties:

  • Develop, monitor, and respond to legislation, regulation, or rules affecting the veterinary profession in Indiana
  • Prepare and prioritize legislative and regulatory issues for board review and approval
  • Actively monitor the political environment in local and state government
  • Work with IVMA governmental relations team and IVMA staff

Time Commitment: The Working Group members should expect to contribute an average of 3-4 hours a year for a minimum of two working group meetings (either in-person or virtually), weekly email review, especially during the legislative session, and connecting with their own state representatives on behalf of IVMA. This includes participation in the IVMA Governmental Relations grassroots network – https://www.invma.org/legislative/

Working Group Members – All working group members shall be members in good standing of the IVMA and the make-up of the working group will attempt to represent diverse representation and thought. Working Group members must act in the best interest of IVMA in executing their duties, keeping in mind the needs of IVMA members.

Location:  IVMA Offices; 125 West Market Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204

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